Sunday, September 26, 2010

the influence of television

The television has had a strong influence on the way our society and our world is shaped the way it is today. Television has been able to shape and altar our personal thoughts on life with different programs and news outlets that are available twenty-four hours a day. Between the news, sporting events and other television programs the television has turned into an event that most families do together as well as watch during dinner and spend many nights a week watching different programs. The messages that are spread throughout the world on television have affected everything from politics to social identity. The up to date activity of everything that is going on in the world, many people rely on the television to keep them updated as well as to keep them entertained. The television is used as one of the biggest forms of entertainment today. On Sunday afternoons in the fall people come together to gather around televisions to watch football. Without the television popular shows such as American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Family Guy, wouldn’t be. A lot of shows are created to entertain the audience as well as get a message across. Commercials also take advantage of the television by being able to market their product or service to the masses. I would have to say the television is one of the most influential devices of media that is used today. Whether it is for entertainment purposes or to get news across to the rest of the population. The television is used so much more frequently than people realize it and the effects of it if it were not available would be devastating. I think you don’t realize the importance of something until you don’t have it. I couldn’t imagine doing a media deprivation experiment with the television. It is something I use to keep me occupied as well as entertain me and keep me up to date on what else is going on in the world.

Included is a clip about the importance of television by Walter Cronkite.


  1. Your completely on the right lines, seems that the TV is the most important medium of media and one that most affects. Maybe before it was newspapers or radio but since its invention TV has definitely taken societies attention the most simply because it is the easiest to watch. You can listen and watch at entertainment screen simultaneously. I actually don't watch that much tv anymore because i got tired of watching all the advertisements, so i turned to newspaper and internet, tv is solely used for movies now. By the way, really interesting youtube clip!

  2. I agree that television has a strong influence on our culture and generation. People become so incredibly brainwashed by TV that we take in media and start to produce media. Our thoughts, perceptions, and feelings are manipulated by the shows, commercials, and games we see on TV. As we watch these, we communicate to others and either conciously or unconciously promote a message. Our messages have been influenced by the televisions many messages and this becomes a chain reaction of media being all around us. We live, breath, and speak media, and it is inescapable, especially when we sit down and choose to intake the message of media by watching TV.

  3. It's good to see you taking up the task to reflect the importance of TV in modern lives. But it seems like you're trying to take up a million issues at the same time, to cover every topic said about television in a few hundred words. TV, the most influential medium of the 20th century (and 21st), is a huge topic that needs to be deal w/ in smaller portions.

    Next time try not to eat a whole pie with one bite!

