Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beamer Benz or Bentley?

In todays society alot has to do with the kind of car you drive. It gives off a message of your social status as well as about how much income you recieve. The type of car you drive is an adults way to show off what they can afford. People tend to generalize about the type of person you are by the kind of car you drive. For instance if a woman is driving a mini-van it is thought that she has young kids and is termed the "soccer mom". Or you have the people who drive around in Mercedes' or Lexus' and it is assumed that they are very wealthy since they can afford this luxury. The type of car you have is definitely a meidum because like a soccer jersey, or the kind of baseball hat you wear, it is a way for a person to express themselves. People dont buy cars just for the use, even though that is one of the main reasons, they also buy it for the look they are trying to achieve. The type of car you buy brings along many stereotypes and other generalizations about you as a person, so it takes alot of thinking about which car you want to buy. There is definitely a difference in a person who drives a mercedes than the one who drives a volvo. It is just the type of people they are and like any other thing it is a way to show who you are. Show your personality, and your preferances.


  1. It is true that many people use their car to show their status to others. People also may use a car to portray something they are not. Even though they may not have the money to make the payments on the car, they may splurge on something way out of their budget in order to give off the appearance that they are more well off than they actually are.

  2. Cars are a powerful medium. On the MTV show Cribs, one of the highlights of every episode is when the celebrities show all of their cars lined up in the garage or driveway. Many of them have multiple cars, sometimes five or more. They usually do not even drive some of them, they just buy them in order to prove their wealth and social status. Cars express much about a person and serve as a powerful medium.

  3. Cars definitely make a strong statement about your social status and personal character. A car in some ways is a symbol. Like Lisa said, many celebrities featured on MTV Cribs will show off their new cars almost as an attempt to show off their stature within their industry.
